Lo sentimos, este producto se ha agotado

Sir Issac Newton said it best: “Gravity is freakin’ weird!!” If only he could have played through Etherborn, a video game experience suggesting that perhaps, we should rethink the ways in which we traverse the world that we inhabit. Developer Altered Matter, as one might derive from their namesake, is all about discombobulating perception, thrusting the player into a metaphysical Monument Valley-esque universe that warps and contorts as you progress through majestic puzzles. It’s a beautifully crafted exploration that deputizes your curiosity while challenging your expectations.

  • Etherborn
  • Nintendo Switch
  • iam8bit


EUR 41.95

41,95 €


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Tiempo medio de espera 25 segundos

Tiempo medio de espera 25 segundos

Sir Issac Newton said it best: “Gravity is freakin’ weird!!” If only he could have played through Etherborn, a video game experience suggesting that perhaps, we should rethink the ways in which we traverse the world that we inhabit. Developer Altered Matter, as one might derive from their namesake, is all about discombobulating perception, thrusting the player into a metaphysical Monument Valley-esque universe that warps and contorts as you progress through majestic puzzles. It’s a beautifully crafted exploration that deputizes your curiosity while challenging your expectations.

  • Etherborn
  • Nintendo Switch
  • iam8bit

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